


Schedule of Events

The CAPWIC 2021 abstract listing is ready! Download it here .

Time Title Location Description
3:00PM - 3:15PM Opening Remarks
3:15PM - 4:15PM 0A Parallel Sessions
Track 1 Technical Workshop
Exploring Data-Driven Advocacy

Weizhen Sheng, Stephanie Tang, and Lucia Huo

Track 2 Technical Workshop
How do Computer Systems Work?

Peter Henderson

Track 3 Technical Workshop
Difficult Conversations - 3 Keys to Mastery

Leslie Fiorenzo

4:15PM - 4:30PM Break Break
4:30PM - 5:30PM Keynote
NASA Modern Figures Panel

Julie Williams-Byrd, Debbie Garrett-Cook, Devin Pugh-Thomas, Debbie Martinez, Michelle Ferebee

5:30PM - 6:30PM Dinner Break / Career Fair Break
6:30PM - 7:30PM Socialize virtually
Time Title Location Description
8:45AM - 9:00AM Introduction
9:00AM - 10:00AM Keynote
Is Data Scientist Really the Best Job in America?

Cheryl Howard

10:00AM - 10:05AM Break Break
10:05AM - 11:05AM 1A Parallel Sessions
Track 1 Technical Talk
Imbalanced data can throw you off balance

Neli Chakarova

Track 2 Research Shorts
Renewable Energy Aware Job Scheduling in Green Data Centers

Vanamala Venkataswamy

Wearable Computing for Physical Rehabilitation

Sophia Cronin, Tyler Webster, Jason Forsyth

Using Mobility Data to Understand and Forecast COVID19 Dynamics

Lijing Wang

Track 3 Research Shorts
Multi-Cause Effect Estimation with Disentangled Confounder Representation

Jing Ma

Factors affecting nonprofits' information security readiness during crises: A study of COVID-19 impact on Small and Medium Nonprofit Organizations (NPOs) in DMV Area

Natalia Ermicioi

Extracting Information from Electronic Thesis and Dissertations

Bipasha Banerjee, William A. Ingram, and Edward A. Fox

Track 4 Technical Talk
#ilooklikeanengineer: Challenging Gender Stereotypes Since 1940

Laura Puaca

11:05AM - 11:10AM Break Break
11:10AM - 11:50AM 1B Parallel Sessions
Track 2 Research Shorts
Exploring technical skills and competencies for future information technology workforce

Ana Valentin

The impact of mobile technology on child development -- Winner Best Research Short

Brooke Nixon

Track 3 Technical Talk
Considerations on ethics, machine learning, and social media research

Agoritsa Polyzou, Lisa Singh

Track 4 Flash Talks
The role of Data Science in combating the COVID-19 pandemic

Zahra Rizvi

Secondary Science Teachers’ Intentionality of Using Computational Thinking to Create Learning Opportunities for BIPOC Students

Kristina Kramarczuk

11:50AM - 11:55AM Break Break
11:55AM - 12:55PM 2A Parallel Sessions
Track 1 Flash Talks
AI Advancing Social Welfare During Pandemics

Donna Schaeffer, Patrick Olson

Connected Relationships using Internet of Things

Cassie Bedard, Garrett Hutson, Evelyn Munstermann, Katelyn Anderson, Shraddha Joshi

Hands on Cyber Security Education using MITRE's CALDERA -- Winner Best Flash Talk

Darshea'L Cook, Joseph Shelton

Social Media as a Driver for Social Change, Analyzing the #MeToo and #BlackLivesMatter Movements on Twitter

Samantha Dies, Autumn Toney, Lisa Singh

Combined Human Factors and A.I. Approach for Detecting Manipulated Video

Toriyonnah Lundy, Snaie Minott, Joseph Shelton

Track 2 Research Shorts
RelEx: A system for multi-class clinical relation extraction

Darshini Mahendran and Bridget McInnes

Determining the Optimal Training Data Size for Recognizing Handwriting

Elizabeth Chason

Cybersecurity Considerations in Small Business, Economic Impact

Brandi Fabel

Track 3 Technical Talk
Discover the Power of Community with WIC Groups and NCWIT Aspirations in Computing

Gretchen Achenbach and Hana Memon

Track 4 Panel
Graduate School - Is It for Me?

Christina Burton and Rita Powell

12:55PM - 1:00PM Break Break
1:00PM - 2:00PM Lunch/Keynote
A Case for Diversity in Computing: How working with diverse teams foster innovation

Cheryl Seals

2:00PM - 3:00PM Posters/Career Fair
Improving the Explainability of Neural Sentiment Classifiers via Data Augmentation -- Winner Best Poster

Hanjie Chen, Yangfeng Ji and Hanjie Chen

Development of a project proposal applying project management principles

Ana Valentin and Sharon Lee Reagan Diaz

Privacy Concerns Pertaining to Smart Home Devices

Katie Zhang and Carol Fung

Analysis of Secondary Structure Geometry Accuracy in Ab Initio Protein Structure Predictions

Maytha Alshammari and Jing He

NPGREAT: A method for assembling the human subtelomeres with the use of ultralong Nanopore and Linked-Read datasets

Eleni Adam, Desh Ranjan and Harold Riethman

3:00PM - 3:05PM Break Break
3:05PM - 3:45PM 2B Parallel Sessions
Track 2 Research Shorts
Can Patterns in Mystery Novels Be Detected?

Maya Ramani, Aaron Thompson and John R Hott

The Dark Side: A dive into Dark Patterns and Data Brokers

Jennifer Hurst and Dr. Faleh Alshameri

Track 3 Research Shorts
A Walk Down Memory Lane: Analysis of Memory and Computer Systems From 1995 to Present-Day

Lalitha Kuppa, Tanvi Haldankar and Margaret Ellis

Characterizing Antimicrobial Peptides with Computational Techniques

Emma Macaluso and Kevin Molloy

Track 4 Technical Talk
Game theory in Mobile Crowdsensing Networks (MCS)

Zhuojun Duan

3:45PM - 3:50PM Break Break
3:50PM - 4:50PM 3A Parallel Sessions
Track 2 Technical Talk
Demand Forecasting of Service Request (SR) Volume with Human-in-the-loop (HitL)

Shubhi Asthana, Bing Zhang, Aly Megahed, Pawan Chowdhary and Taiga Nakamura

Track 3 Research Shorts
Measuring Gender Bias in Word Embeddings of Gendered Languages Requires Removing the Grammatical Gender from the Vector Space

Shiva Omrani Sabbaghi and Aylin Caliskan

A Novel Word Embedding Intrinsic Evaluation Test: Quantifying Valence in Semantics Derived from Language Corpora

Autumn Toney and Aylin Caliskan

Auction-oriented Parking-based Vehicular Cloud Management

Susan Zehra, Syed Rizvi and Stephan Olariu

4:050PM - 5:00PM Break Break
5:00PM - 5:15PM Closing Remarks Closing Remarks
5:30PM - 6:30PM Planning CAPWIC 2022 Planning