




Time Description Location



SEH First Floor Atrium



SEH Lehman Auditorium



Dr. Brown-Kissiedu
Details coming soon

SEH Lehman Auditorium


Career Fair

SEH First Floor Atrium


Parallel Sessions


Thinking about Graduate School? Come learn more!

SEH Lehman Auditorium

Research Shorts

Cybersecurity 1

Combining Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) with AI for Threat Detection
J. Fahmy

Leveraging Memory Forensics Techniques to detect Python-based Malware
H. Ali

A Hierarchical Deep Reinforcement Learning Chatbot for Cybergrooming Prevention
H. An, Q. Zhang, A. Singh, J. Cho

SEH 1300

Research Shorts

Artificial Intelligence

Plot'n Polish: Zero-shot Story Visualization and Disentangled Editing with Text-to-Image Diffusion Models
K. Akdemir, P. Yanardag

Context Canvas: Enhancing Text-to-Image Diffusion Models with Knowledge Graph-Based RAG
K. Venkatesh, Y. Dalva, I. Lourentzou, P. Yanardag

SEH 1400



Lunch pickup is in the basement. Seating is available throughout the building.

SEH Basement Atrium


Student Research Posters

Home Tech Care: Symbiotic Tech Caregiving

The Web in Schools

US Computer Science Faculty Pipeline Dashboard

Enhancement of Deep Learning for Segmentation of Protein Secondary Structures from Cryo-EM

AI-Powered Enhancement of Student Learning in Large Programming Courses

Analyzing Ground-lightning Dataset Using the Density Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN)

P2VFL: Performance and Privacy-enhanced Incentive Mechanism for Vertical Federated Learning

Roots for STEM Organization

Exploring QUIC Load Balancing Computation Offload to the Kerne

Characterizing GPU Memory Errors: Insights from a Cross-supercomputer Study

Investigating the Impact of AI-Assisted Tools on Practitioner Well-Being

Investigating the Effectiveness of Using K-Nearest-Neighbors and Random Forest in Hybrid Recommendation Systems to Improve Personalized User Experience

Voices in Code

Designing an Accessible Web Platform to Connect Refugees with Essential Services

Redirects Unraveled: From Lost Links to Rickrolls

Computational Analysis of Urbanization's Impact on Water Quality Using Earth Observation and GIS

Crowdsourced Litter Mapping: A Smart App for Community Cleanup

A Solution for Seizures: Developing Machine-Learning Algorithms For Use In Real-Time Seizure Detection Applications

Praxly: An Online IDE for the Praxis CS Test Pseudocode

Campus Health Tracker: A Location-Based Disease Monitoring App for College Students and Highly Populous Areas

Dynamic Quantization: An Era of Reduction

SEH First Floor Atrium


Parallel Sessions

Technical Talks

Artificial Intelligence

Explaining in Diffusion: Explaining a Classifier Through Hierarchical Semantics with Text-to-Image Diffusion Models
T. Kazimi, R. Allada, P. Yanardag

Enhanced methods for incorporating resiliency in UAV swarms
A. Phadke

SEH B1220

Research Shorts

Humans and Artificial Intelligence

Human AI Collaboration for Scalable Rationale Generation to Support Explainable Stance Detection Systems
A. Gupta, H. Purohit

Code-Decomp: Automated Prompt Decomposition for Code Generation
E. Al Haque, A. Gupta, B. Johnson

Strategic Questioning and Enhanced Engagement: Developing a Counselor Chatbot Using LLMs and Deep Reinforcement Learning for Deeper Self-Exploration and Therapeutic Dialogue
Q. Zhang, H. An, A. Singh, J. Cho

SEH B1270

Research Shorts

Cybersecurity 2

Use of Control Flow Graphs with Edges Consideration for Fault Localization
Z. Chen, C. Murphy

Building Trust and Transparency for Government Cloud Adoption: a Data Security Posture Management (DSPM) Perspective
D. Twum Gyamrah

Mitigating In-Transit Vision Noise for Enhanced Vehicle Safety
Y. Luo, J. Chen, X. Chen, S. Lu

SEH 1300

Technical Workshop

Breaking Machine Learning Models to Understand Security Implications

P. Reddy
Note that this workshop runs 1pm-2:50pm.

SEH 1400

Research Shorts

Artificial Intelligence 2

Using virtual reality to simulate wilderness search and rescue 'clue-finding' tasks
P. Luby, A. Mathis, B. White, R. Penn, A. Robbins, M. Hout

Emerging Technologies and Autonomous Interaction

Accelerated Community Detection using Directed Graphs on GPUs
B. Gul

SEH 1450


Parallel Sessions

Technical Talks

Smart Healthcare

HealthLens: AI-Powered Insights for Healthcare Data
N. Gaddam, S. Gurunathan‬

Ethical AI for Healthcare Systems: Uncertainty-Aware, Fair Federated Learning
D. chen, Q. Zhang, L. Kaplan, A. Josang, D. Jeong, F. Chen, J. Cho

SEH B1220

Research Shorts

CS Education

Who Gets In? The Role of AI in Shaping the Next Generation of Computer Scientists
A. Prakash, M. Seyam

Increasing Digital Literacy Amongst Older Adults
I. Divietro

Machine Learning Insights into Academic Success in CS3: The Role of Mathematics and CS Coursework
N. Wali, S. Hooshangi

SEH B1270

Research Shorts

Artificial Intelligence 3

Data Collection Pipeline to Diversify AI Training Data
V. Wiegand, S. Cooney

Agentic AI for the Rescue: Factual Summarisation of Crisis-Related Documents
H. Klair

Driver Facial Expression Classification: A Comparative Study of Computer Vision Techniques
Y. Bond, S. Hasan, M. Hamza, M. Rehman

SEH 1300

Technical Workshop

Breaking Machine Learning Models to understand Security Implications

P. Reddy
Continued from the prior 1pm session.

SEH 1400

Birds of a Feather

Economic Impact of Decision-Making Software on Minorities

E. Olimpiew

SEH 1450



Snacks available for pickup starting at 2:30

SEH First Floor Atrium


Parallel Sessions

Birds of a Feather

Women and non-binary undergraduate students

N. Andrus

SEH B1220

Flash Talks

T. Emokpae, P. Ramkumar

Fairness Tools in Practice: The Researcher Perspective
S. Mim, B. Johnson

LLM-Driven Heuristic Evaluation of Code Snippets from Website Homepages
N. Platt, E. Luchs, S. Nizamani

Exploring The Role of Electrodermal Activity (EDA) in Estimating Attention Via Wearable Devices
F. Faiz, V. Motti

AI-Based Usability Evaluations of Low-Fidelity vs. High-Fidelity Prototypes
S. Monisha, K. Hissan, S. Nizamani

Beyond the Surface: Rethinking Pulse Oximetry for Equitable Healthcare
A. Bhutani, M. Sanghavi, K. Kramarczuk

SEH B1270

Research Shorts

Cybersecurity 3

Detecting Stealthy Manipulations of Control logic in Programmable Logic Controllers
A. Ayub, I. Ahmed

SCVI: Bridging Social and Cyber Dimensions for Comprehensive Vulnerability Assessment
S. Mitra, T. Nguyen, Q. Zhang, H. Kim, H. Salemi, C. Chang, F. Zhang, M. Hong, C. Lu, H. Purohit, J. Cho

Mitigating Cyber Threats in V2V and V2I Networks: A Security-Centric Approach
S. Zehra, S. Rizvi

SEH 1300

Research Shorts

Games and Virtual Reality

DBWorkout: A Collaborative and Gamified Web-Based Platform for SQL Learning
S. Ravella, A. Pochamreddy, J. Wang, Q. Chen, S. Nizamani, S. Hamouda, S. Nizamani

Examining Visual Attention in Gaze-Driven VR Learning: An Eye-Tracking Study
Y. Abeysinghe, K. Cauchi, V. Ashok, S. Jayarathna

Web-based PDC Educational Video Games
M. Cameron, S. Kasera

SEH 1400

Birds of a Feather

CAPWIC Male Allies

J. Hott, S. McCrickard, S. Sheth, M. Stewart, M. Seyam

SEH 1450


Parallel Sessions

Technical Workshop

Cybersecurity: Strengthening Workforce Education Excellence in Programming Securely (SWEEPS)

D. Kariuki, I. Ngambeki

SEH B1220


Career Paths in Computing

SEH B1270

Research Shorts

Social Media

Evaluating Children's Ability to Distinguish Between Traditional and AI-Generated Media
S. Kumari, F. Shah, S. Nizamani

Assessing Public Perception of AI-Generated Social Media Content of the 2024 U.S. Presidential Debate
R. Ansell, P. Bode, D. Paik, P. Singh, A. Toney-Wails, D. Ventura

Infrastructure for Tracking Information Flow from Social Media to U.S. TV News
H. Jayanetti, A. Nwala, M. Nelson, M. Weigle

SEH 1300

Research Shorts

Human Computer Interaction

Leveraging Smartwatch Sensors For Detecting Off-Task Behaviors Of Neurodivergent Individuals
A. Islam, V. Motti

Usability Heuristics and Large Language Models: Enhancing University Website Evaluations
M. Hirakawa, M. Saritha, M. Goel, S. Bapat, N. Dawar, R. Reddy, S. Nizamani

Advanced Gaze Measures for Analyzing Joint Visual Attention
K. Thennakoon, Y. Abeysinghe, B. Mahanama, R. Obadage, V. Ashok, S. Jayarathna

SEH 1400

Research Shorts

Machine Learning

An Investigation into Maintenance Support for Neural Networks
F. Zohra, B. Johnson

Enhancing Neuronal Connectivity Inference with Cross-Correlograms and Interpretations from Learned Model Representations
X. Sun, R. Simha, C. Zheng, H. Lu

Analysis of Subtelomere and Telomere Regions of Cancer Genomes on the Cloud
E. Adam, D. Ranjan, H. Riethman

SEH 1450



SEH Lehman Auditorium


Keynote, Closing Remarks

Becky Robertson
Becky Robertson is a Vice President at Booz Allen Hamilton, where she leads amazingly innovative teams building advanced technology solutions and products to accelerate outcomes for the Nation. In her more than 30-year career, Becky has blended her technical expertise, problem solving skills, and passion for collaboration in roles including web-based training development, software engineering project management, systems engineering and integration, commercial satellite vulnerability analysis, large contract management, competitive contract capture and negotiation, as well as leading corporate investments in next wave technologies. In her current role, Becky leads Booz Allen’s National Missions team, tackling priority national cyber issues with collective ingenuity and unmatched mission understanding. She lives in the Annapolis area with her family and spends almost all of her spare time reading mysteries, cooking for the people she loves, or on soccer and lacrosse fields.

SEH Lehman Auditorium